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Did you know that we stock a whole range of Health and Hygiene Products for your animals, ranging from Flea Treatments, Wormers, Shampoos, Antiseptics, Calming Products, Joint Supplements, Toothpaste, wipes, Ear & Eye Cleaners etc. If your pet has a minor ailment why not pop into store, where a member of the Team will be happy to advise.

Frontline Plus Flea & Tick Treatment




Unlike some other Flea Treatments, it kills both fleas and ticks on your pet to help protect them from the discomfort and diseases these parasites cause. It also stops the flea eggs that fall off your pet from hatching in your home. Use every Four weeks for optimal protection and help your pet feel healthier and happier. 

Drontal Dog Wormer


These Tasty Bone shaped veterinary strength wormers work fast to kill every type of intestinal worm (Roundworm, Tapeworm, Hookworms and Whipworms) commonly found in UK pets giving you peace of mend that you are helping keep these unwanted visitors away from your pet and family.

Sun Protection

Sun Protection

Did you know that Pets are susceptible to sunburn just like humans are, making it just as important to protect your animals from the harsh sunlight, using specially formulated pet sunscreen products that are available in store, subject to availability. Should you require any help or advice regarding these products please ask a member of the Team who will be happy to help.

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